Bulk Fiber Optic Cable (Messengered Distribution Style)
Catalog # 260468 Multimode, 62.5/125 µm, Messenger Style Cable
The maximum recommended span of this cable is 200 feet (60 m).
- 62.5/125 micron tight-buffered fiber.
- Built-in 2.4 mm (1/4") galvanized steel messenger.
- This cable has the same consturction as Distribution with the addition of a figure 8 messenger.
- Bandwidth: 160 MHz/km @ 850 nm; 500 MHz/km @ 1200 nm.
- Fiber type: 62.5 µm core, 125 µm cladding; 900 µm buffer.
- Maximum Attenuation: 3dB/km @ 850 nm, 1 dB/km @ 1300 nm.
All ESL products are available for export.
*Prices online are subject to change and verification.