Custom Adapter Kits for 25-Pin D-Connector
Model 70 Male/Female Adapter Kit, Cat. No. 308070
- Quickly, easily reassign EXISTING cable connection to meet your NEW pin/signal requirement.

- Customize your 25-Pin D-Connector for your specific application.
- Quick and easy to install!
- Solve your cable or peripheral incompatibility problems.
- Economical, cost-effective solutions.
- Applicable when existing data cable runs through walls and over partitions. Can be "adapted" for new use by reconfiguration of pin/signal connections.
Model 70 Male/Female Kit Includes:
- (1) DB25 Housing
- (1) DB25 Female Connector
- (1) DB25 Male Connector
- (1) Set of Male Screw Hardware
- (1) Set of Female Screw Hardware
- (15) 1-to-1 Jumpers, One Male Contact to One Female Contact
- (3) 1-to-3 Jumpers, One Male Contact to Three Female Contacts
- (3) 1-to-3 Jumpers, One Female Contact to Three Male Contacts
25-Pin D-CONNECTOR APPLICATION: Custom Adapter Kits to modify existing cable.
Using your DB-25 Pin U-Do-It-Adapter custom kit, build the desired M/M, M/F or F/F adapter and place in between the cable and interface device to modify the existing cable.

OPTION: Pin Insertion / Extraction Tool:
Pin insertion or extraction is a snap with this essential tool. When terminating your own D-Type connector, ESL's double ended tool performs both insertion and extraction operations.

OnLine prices are subject to change and verification.
All ESL products are available for export.