Brandon Sepe, MD
Brandon Sepe, MD Profile
Dr. Brandon Sepe has thus far paved an academic and professional career defined by investigative biomedical and life science research and clinical medicine, providing him with a unique knowledge base that is well-equipped for approaching cutting-edge device development in the biotechnical/clinical realms. While obtaining his Bachelor's of Arts in Cell and Molecular Biology at Cornell University (2015), Brandon simultaneously engaged in neurobehavioral research exploring the role of brain parenchymal serotonergic receptors in murine models. He dedicated his summers to infectious disease basic science research at the Institute for Immunology and Informatics (Providence, RI)--leveraging bioinformatics output while testing the antigenicity of candidate regulatory T cell epitopes as a crucial step in vaccine design (e.g. H pylori, F tularensis). At the culmination of his collegiate studies, Brandon expanded into translational research at the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, where he investigated a new approach to treat therapy-resistant cancers: harvesting patients' native tumor cells to generate in vitro resistance models used to optimize clinical treatment with biotherapies (i.e. tyrosine kinase inhibitors). Additionally, Brandon has served in nuanced research advisory roles, working in tandem with electrical engineers and clinical psychiatrists/psychologists at the Providence VA Hospital to formulate a closed-loop intelligent device for treatment of PTSD by implementing biofeedback.
As a complement to his research acumen to deepen his knowledge of human physiology, Brandon pursued additional training in clinical medicine, earning an MD degree from the University of Massachusetts Medical School (2022). Intrigued by the interface of computational medical data, disease pathology, and drug therapy, he began a residency in Internal Medicine at Tufts Medical Center (Boston, MA), before deciding to transition back into the field of biotechnical/clinical device development at Electrostandards Laboratories. His interests and expertise continue to focus upon research-guided, empirically evidenced device creation, with an emphasis on clinical applicability.

Brandon Sepe, MD