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CellMite M4336 Quad AC/DC Mixed LVDT and Force Measurement Intelligent Digital Signal Conditioner

February 19, 2008



The CellMite® Quad AC/DC mixed LVDT and Force Measurement Digital Signal Conditioner, Model 4336, is a 4-channel instrument that connects directly to two AC LVDT transducers and two DC strain gage force transducers and provides direct digital data input into the serial port of a PC. Precision AC sine wave excitation voltages to power the LVDTs and precision DC excitation voltages to power the force strain gage bridges are generated by the unit. Internal signal conditioning with filtering is applied to all channels and the digitized data is sent in serial form to a standard PC.

CellMite® Quad generates two +/-10V analog outputs to track user-selected LVDT and force channels. CellView Multi-Display GUI software completes the data acquision system with synchronized data storage of all channels in an Excel file, and real-time viewing of all channels utilizing up to 8 user-specified software displays.

CellMite® Quad compensates each channel's transducer nonlinearities using its integrated 6-point calibration capability. The unit has full range tare capability for the LVDT and strain gage force channels, and dual internal precision shunt resistors for the force channels.

CellMite® Quad offers nonvolatile memory for parameter and calibration storage, selection between 3 stored LVDT calibration for the two LVDT channels and selection between 3 stored force transducers for the two strain gage force channels. Also featured: multi-point and mV/V calibration, remote sense excitation, 24-bit internal resolution with 16-bit analog output, and RS232 serial data output.  For details, click here: http://www.electrostandards.com/ProductDetail/?productid=15

For more information about the CellMite® Quad and other Electro Standards products, please call 401-943-1164, email eslab@ElectroStandards.com, or visit our website http://www.electrostandards.com.

Electro Standards Laboratories
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Cranston, RI 02921, USA
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Email: eslab@ElectroStandards.com