Interested in a Low Cost Method of Testing Data Interface? Consider the M700 Breakout box.
Interested in a Low Cost Method of Testing Data Interface? Consider the M700 Breakout box.
May 17, 2007

1) The display consists of 14 Tri-State LEDs, each of which can display signal status in three colors, red, green, and organge. The LEDs can also be OFF (not illuminated), therefore each of the 14 LEDs can give you four states of information, simultaneously.
2) RED means the signal is in the CONTROL OFF state. GREEN equates to the CONTROL ON state. ORANGE means there is a proper clock/timing signal or a proper data stream signal on that line. LED OFF (not illuminated) means the signal is either too weak or that no signal is present.
3) Front panel mini-switches, signal access posts, and mini-patchcords supplied with the unit allow you to gyrate/manipulate the serial connections and signal placement as required to get your two pieces of equipment properly connected.
4) When you have established a pin/signal interconnection that works between your two devices, read the jumper connections and the mini-switch connections that you observe on the front panel of the Model 700 and you have the design for the required interface cable.