Model 4215 Smart Strain Gauge Indicator Offers Accuracy, Reliability and Repeatability
Model 4215 Smart Strain Gauge Indicator Offers Accuracy, Reliability and Repeatability
August 29, 2011
For Immediate Release

Electro Standards Laboratories, Cranston, RI, designed the new Model 4215 Smart Load Cell Indicator for load cell amplification and to measure and control strain gage transducer based systems. Model 4215 combines force channels, encoder position channels, print capabilities, and RS-232/485 serial communications into a versatile platform.
This Model 4215 is used with tensile testers, load cells, extensometers, torque transducers, pressure sensors and position encoders. The Model 4215 features a bipolar range +/- 999,999 display with 24-bit resolution, nonlinearity of 0.005%, and auto load cell identification and setup for 25 load cells. Front panel shunt calibration with two selectable resistors is standard.
Menu buttons have alternate functions for setup menus. Programmed operations include peak hold and tracking, programmable math and function channels, programmable limits, the variety of engineering units, position and velocity indication, and user-parameter inputs along with menu scrolling and auto zero.
Features include: quad limits output: independent, isolated solid state relays, controls AC or DC signals; 6 user-selectable filters; Tri-state limit display: on, off, disabled; and automatic display unit conversion. D/A output of +/-10V is standard.
Single and dual channel versions are available. The Model 4215 is dataView software ready for graphical user interface and connection to a PC.
For information on load cell amplifiers, load cell indicators, and digital signal conditioning products, contact Electro Standards Laboratories, 36 Western Industrial Drive, Cranston, RI 02921. Tel: 401-943-1164, Fax: 401-946-5790. Email: eslab@ElectroStandards.com. Web: http://www.electrostandards.com/.