401-943-1164 / US & Canada Toll Free: 877-943-1164

Control Systems Technology - EMALS & AAG

Control Systems Technology for Aircraft Launch & Recovery

Electro Standards Laboratories team of  R&D engineers and scientists have expertise in the development of electronics, digital signal processor based control, and coordination of multiple motor systems to brake large moving inertial mass.

  • Prototyping of rotary systems used to develop controllers for linear motor based high-energy arrests.
  • Applications include arrest landing planes on aircraft carriers.

Senorless and Sensor Minimized Linear Motor Controllers

  • Development of sensorless and sensor minimized linear motor controllers for aircraft launch from aircraft carriers.
  • Cascaded control of block switched long linear motors with vector current control suitable to track velocity launch profiles with minimal jerk and large load changes.
  • Simulation, design, development of laboratory linear induction motor for experimental verification.
  • Technology suitable for Maglev transportation systems.

ESL's Engineering Services Group can work as part of your team!

To find out more about our R&D Contract Engineering Services, give us a call at 401-943-1164 or email: eslab@electrostandards.com