Dynamic Wireless Charging of an Electric Vehicle
Dynamic Wireless Charging of an Electric Vehicle
ESL Model 4215A-204-1 Dual Channel Load Cell Indicator for Control of Strain Gage Transducer Based Systems
This Smart Indicator combines force channels, encoder position channels, print capabilities, and RS 232/485 serial communications in a dual channel system.
Wireless Web-Based Monitoring and Control
Electro Standards offers turnkey R&D Contract Engineering Services in the area of Wireless Web-Based Monitoring and Control. The Web-Enabled Data Acquisition System (WEDAQ) provides in-vehicle data ...
New Model 4215A-204-1 Dual Channel Smart Load Cell Indicator from Electro Standards Laboratories
Model 4215A-204-1 load cell indicator captures the load peak and valley, and displays in pounds, kilograms, Newtons, PSI, MegaPascals, kilo-pounds, kilo-Newtons, metric tons, or mV/V.
Model 4215 Smart Strain Gauge Indicator Offers Accuracy, Reliability and Repeatability
Model 4215 Smart Load Cell Indicator for load cell amplification and to measure and control strain gage transducer based systems. Model 4215 combines force channels, encoder position channels, print ...
Model 4215 Smart Strain Gauge Indicator is Ideal for Measuring Jet Engine Thrust
Model 4215 strain gage indicator combines force channels, encoder position channels, print capabilities, and RS-232/485 serial communications into a versatile platform.
Model 4337 CellMite Ideal for Strain Gage Extensometers Used to Test Steel and Other Industrial Materials
CellMite Model 4337 is a Digital Signal Conditioner that is ideal for use with Strain Gage Extensometers used to test steel or other industrial testing applications
Custom Designed High-Performance Embedded Data Acquisition Boards for Strain Gage and Sensors
Electro Standards Laboratories will custom-engineer and build prototype or production quantities of data acquisition boards for strain gage and sensor systems.
New Ruggedized Data Acquisition & Strain Gage Board Developed for Embedded Applications Requiring High Speed and Accuracy!
Model 4328 ProD is a high performance data acquisition and strain gage interface board suitable for embedded applications that require high speed/high accuracy analog and digital data acquisition yet ...
CellMite Goes Wireless - Intelligent Digital Signal Conditioning - No Strings Attached!
CellMite Model 4329 wireless feature allows communication up to 1500 feet with a +/-10V analog output.